Real estate prices in Turkey 2021

Real estate prices in Turkey 2021

One of the first questions that a real estate investor in Turkey asks is about what real estate prices are. It is worth noting in this context that real estate prices change from each year to another as a result of the conditions in the country. What is the current situation of real estate prices in Turkey? What direction will you take in the coming days? Is this the right time for the idea of ​​real estate investment? Do not look far for the answer and let us answer all these questions. 


Real estate prices in Turkey in 2021: 

Since the beginning of this year, real estate prices in Turkey have recorded successive increases, and it has achieved the first place in the world in the rise in apartment prices in particular, but what are the reasons that made it take this curve? 

- The Corona pandemic has played a major role in the rise in real estate prices this year, as because of its presence many construction companies have stopped completing their projects to complete their activities later. This has led to a decrease in the amount of real estate offered for sale in front of the increased demand around it. 

- Among the many facilities provided by the Turkish government to those wishing to buy real estate in Turkey, it allowed the matter to be done remotely. It is now possible for a foreigner to own a property in Turkey without leaving his country, and many people have found it a unique opportunity as it saves travel costs and hassle. 

- The increased desire to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate ownership has directed many construction companies to build real estate projects that comply with the conditions for obtaining Turkish citizenship, that is, to have a minimum price of two hundred and fifty thousand US dollars + a pledge not to sell it before the lapse of three years from the date of purchasing it). 

- One of the main reasons that led to the rise in real estate prices in Turkey is that it is witnessing a huge foreign influx from different parts of the world. 

- Turkey is the first tourism destination in the world, as tourists do not hesitate to visit it as a result of its treasures of history and important monuments belonging to different civilizations, in addition to that it contains many distinctive natural places.


What are the most Turkish cities that recorded the largest number of real estate sales this year? 

Due to its great distinction, the city of Istanbul has been able to occupy a well-deserved position among other Turkish cities in its real estate sales, based on many reasons, the most important of which are: 

- This city is distinguished by its unique geographical location, which is located within two continents of the world. Although the area occupied by this city on the European continent is the smallest, it managed to be the most distinguished. 

- Istanbul embraces many huge and important projects that have greatly affected the real estate sector and its high prices, most notably the new airport, the water canal, highways, and the integrated transportation network.

- This city is the center of the economic power in the country and is witnessing great stability, as it is remarkably diversified on the real estate level. 


What are the reasons that drive foreigners to buy real estate in Turkey?

Desire to invest in real estate:

A large number of people who come to buy real estate in Turkey aim to invest in real estate in order to achieve profitable investment returns, especially in light of the stability Turkey is witnessing in its various sectors and fields, especially at the economic, political and social levels. What helps to achieve outstanding results from real estate investment in Turkey is the tourist nature of the country, as it annually hosts large numbers of tourists.


Real estate prices in Turkey are suitable:

Real estate prices in Turkey are distinguished and modest, and this aspect emerges clearly if compared with real estate prices in other countries, especially in Europe or some Arab countries. According to official sources, real estate prices in Turkey sometimes drop to fifty percent compared to real estate prices in other countries. In addition to this, real estate in Turkey is of high quality, as it is designed according to international standards, as it is resistant to earthquakes and natural disasters, and the materials used in the construction are heat and sound insulating. 


Government support:

The Turkish government has provided a lot of facilities for foreigners who want to buy real estate in Turkey, as it provided tax reduction and made buying a property very easy and did not restrict the foreigner with many obstacles. 


What is the future of real estate prices in Turkey? 

According to many real estate experts, it is expected that real estate prices in Turkey in the future will rise significantly, based on the increase in demand around it and as a result of the increase in the number of development projects. If you are wondering whether this is the best time to buy real estate in Turkey or not, you must make sure that it is, especially if you intend to enter the real estate investment field.


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